#! /bin/bash ## # generate the proper certificate and CA certificate formats and # upload the SSL certificates to a Brother MFC-9340CDW's web # management interface. # # ## generation ## # Required input is private key as a .pem and # the full certificate chain as a .pem # # Default values are privkey.pem (-k) and fullchain.pem (-f) # # You can also specify the path (-p) to the certificates # and where your .p12 file will be written. # Default path is the local directory # # You can also over ride the file name of the .p12 file. # Default file name is derived from the CN= record of the cert. # # ## upload ## # Required input is the printer address (-a) either FQDN or IP address # and the login password (-l [lower case 'ell'] ). # # Written by Jason Schiller for the Brother MFC-9340 printer. # Script is made freely available provided you follow these simple # rules: # 1. don't critize how ugly the shell script is... I'm not a coder. # 2. freely give back any updates or modifications. # 3. provide approprate credit. ## # Default values FULLCHAIN="fullchain.pem" # file name of the full chain of SSL certs. # value can be passed as a -f arguement, # or can be hard coded here as a default. PRIVKEY="privkey.pem" # file name of the private key. # value can be passed as a -k arguement, # or can be hard coded here as a default. PRINTER="" ################### # address of the printer, IP address or FQDN. # value can be passed as a -a arguement, # or value can be hard coded here as a default. PASS="initpass" ###################### # Password to the Admin login to the printer web # management interface. Value can be set here, # or value can be passed as a -l [lowercase 'ell'] # arguement. initpass is the default admin password. # optional values CERT_PATH="" # full or relative path to where all certificates # are stored. This is also the place where newly # generated certificates will be saved. P12="" # optional value to force the file name of the p12 file. # Do NOT inclue the file extension. Default value is # extracted from the certificate CN. This can be over # written by adding a value here, or using -o to specify # a preferred out put file name for the .p12 certificate LPWD="$HOME/bin/" # path to local cache; for storing session cookie and # current printer certificate (which may be invalid # or self signed, and thus prevent connection) ## # Reference values # For URLs you should't have to change them as long as # Brother doesn't change the interface LOGON_PATH="general/status.html" CERT_CHECK="net/security/certificate/certificate.html" CA_CERT_CHECK="net/security/certificate/ca.html" CERT_DEL="net/security/certificate/delete.html" CA_CERT_DEL="net/security/certificate/delete_ca.html" CERT_UPLOAD_PATH="net/security/certificate/import.html" CA_CERT_UPLOAD_PATH="net/security/certificate/import_ca.html?pageid=1075" CERT_LOAD="net/net/certificate/http.html" PWD="" # SSL certificate password is blank shopt -s expand_aliases alias grep="/bin/grep" alias egrep="/bin/egrep" alias wc="/usr/bin/wc" alias openssl="/usr/bin/openssl" alias curl="/bin/curl" while [ -n "$1" ] do case "$1" in -h|--help|-help) HELP=true ;; -f|--full|--fullchain) FULLCHAIN=$2;; -k|--key|--private_key|--privatekey|--privkey|--priv_key) PRIVKEY=$2;; -p|--path|--certpath|--cert_path) CERT_PATH=$2;; -o|--output|--p12|--p12_name) OVERRIDE=true; P12=$2;; -v|--verbose) VERBOSE=true;; -a|--adress|--ip|--IP|--ip_address|--IP_address|--fqdn|__FQDN) PRINTER=$2;; -l|--login|--login_password|--login_pass|--login-pass| \ --login-password|--pwd|--pass|--passwd) PASS=$2;; -g|--generate_only|--generate-only|--gen|--gen_only|--gen-only) GEN_ONLY=true;; -u|--upload_only|--upload-only|--upload|--up|--up_only|--up-only) UP_ONLY=true;; esac shift done if [ $HELP ];then echo "Usage:" echo "make_ssl_bro_mfc9340.sh [-f ] [-k ] [-p ]" echo " [-o ] [ -a ]" echo " [ -l ] [-g|-u] [-v]" echo echo "e.g. make_ssl_bro_mfc9340.sh -f fullchain.pem -k privkey.pem \\" echo" -p /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.com -o domain.pem \\" echo" -a -l initpass " exit 1 fi if [ $GEN_ONLY ] && [ $UP_ONLY ];then GEN_ONLY=fales UP_ONLY=false if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo "mutually exclusive flags; generating and uploading" fi fi hash grep 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Can not find grep"; exit 1; } if ! hash grep 2>/dev/null;then ERROR="${ERROR} Can not find grep\n" HAS_ERR=true fi hash egrep 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Can not find egrep"; exit 1; } if ! hash grep 2>/dev/null;then ERROR="${ERROR} Can not find egrep\n" HAS_ERR=true fi hash wc 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Can not find wc"; exit 1; } if ! hash grep 2>/dev/null;then ERROR="${ERROR} Can not find wc\n" HAS_ERR=true fi hash openssl 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Can not find openssl"; exit 1; } if ! hash grep 2>/dev/null;then ERROR="${ERROR} Can not find openssl\n" HAS_ERR=true fi hash curl 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Can not find openssl"; exit 1; } if ! hash grep 2>/dev/null;then ERROR="${ERROR} Can not find openssl\n" HAS_ERR=true fi if [ $HAS_ERR ]; then echo -e "\nERROR: $ERROR" fi ## # check that open ssl is configured to support unsecure TLS # if [ ! -f ~/.openssl_allow_tls1.0.cnf ];then echo "openssl_conf = openssl_init [openssl_init] ssl_conf = ssl_sect [ssl_sect] system_default = system_default_sect [system_default_sect] CipherString = DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1" >> ~/.openssl_allow_tls1.0.cnf fi export OPENSSL_CONF=~/.openssl_allow_tls1.0.cnf ## # Generate proper SSL certificate formats # # 1. check that we have a full chain certificate in .PEM format # 2. check that we have a private key in .PEM format # 3. Get the names of each certificate from the full chain # 4. extract each seperate certificate and save it # 5. Generate the .p12 certificate from the host certificate # which was extracted from the full chain certificate, and # from the full chain certificate. if [ ! $UP_ONLY ];then # if cert path is specified, make sure it has a trailing / if [ ! -z "$CERT_PATH" ] && [[ ! $CERT_PATH =~ ^.*/$ ]];then CERT_PATH="${CERT_PATH}/" if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo "added trailing slash to cert path" fi fi if [ ! -z "$LPWD" ] && [[ ! $LPWD =~ ^.*/$ ]];then CERT_PATH="${LPWD}/" if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo "added trailing slash to local cache path" fi fi CNAMES=() if [ ! -f "${CERT_PATH}${FULLCHAIN}" ] ;then ERROR="${ERROR} full cert chain file: ${CERT_PATH}${FULLCHAIN} does not exist.\n" HAS_ERR=true fi if [ ! -f ${CERT_PATH}${PRIVKEY} ];then ERROR="${ERROR} private key file: ${CERT_PATH}${PRIVKEY} does not exist.\n" HAS_ERR=true fi if [ $HAS_ERR ];then echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR}" exit 128 fi # strip out certificates names echo "Retrieving Certificate names from ${CERT_PATH}${FULLCHAIN}." R="$(openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile ${CERT_PATH}${FULLCHAIN} | openssl pkcs7 -print_certs | grep subject | sed -e 's/.*subject=.*CN = //g'|tr -d " "|tr "\n" " " 2>&1)" if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR} openssl error while retreiving certificate names:\n$R\n" exit 128 fi if [ -z "$R" ];then ERROR="${ERROR} openssl found no certificates in the full chain certfile ${CERT_PATH}${FULLCHAIN}.\n" echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR}" exit 128 fi for CNAME in $R;do CNAMES+=("${CNAME}.pem") if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo "adding ${CNAME}.pem to certificate list." fi done if [ $? -ne 0 ];then ERROR="${ERROR} error making cert name list: $?" echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR}" exit 128 fi if (( "${#CNAMES[@]}" < "2" ));then ERROR="${ERROR} fullchain file: ${CERT_PATH}${FULLCHAIN} has less than 2 certificates.\n" echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR}"${CERT_PATH}${FULLCHAIN} exit 128 fi # write each of the certificates to the cert file path. # files names are extracted from the certificate CN C=0 POS="end" echo "extracting each certificate from the ${CERT_PATH}${FULLCHAIN}." while read line; do if [ -n "$(echo $line | egrep "\-BEGIN CERTIFICATE\-")" ] ; then echo "Processing ${CNAMES[$C]}" if [ "$POS" == "end" ];then echo $line > "$(echo ${CERT_PATH}${CNAMES[$C]})" POS="mid" else ERROR="${ERROR} Certificate ${CNAMES[( $C-1 )]} is incomplete" echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR}" exit 65 fi elif [ -n "$(echo $line | egrep "\-END CERTIFICATE\-")" ] ; then if [ "$POS" == "mid" ];then echo $line >> "$(echo ${CERT_PATH}${CNAMES[$C]})" C=$C+1 POS="end" else ERROR="${ERROR} Certificate ${CNAMES[$C]} is incomplete" echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR}" exit 65 fi elif [ ! -z "$line" ] ; then if [ "$POS" == "mid" ]; then echo $line >> "$(echo ${CERT_PATH}${CNAMES[$C]})" else ERROR="${ERROR} Certificate ${CNAMES[$C]} is incomplete" echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR}" exit 65 fi fi done < ${CERT_PATH}${FULLCHAIN} if [ ! $OVERRIDE ] || [ -z "$p12" ];then P12="$(echo "${CNAMES[0]}"| rev | cut -d"." -f2- | rev).p12" fi CERT="${CNAMES[0]}" CERT_NAME="$(echo "${CNAMES[0]}" | rev | cut -d"." -f2- | rev)" # get the CA from the certificate echo "extracting CA Certificate name from ${CERT_PATH}${CERT}" CA_NAME=$(openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile ${CERT_PATH}${CERT} | openssl pkcs7 -print_certs | grep issuer | sed -e 's/.*, O = //g'|sed -e 's/, CN = //g') # generate P12 file for uploading to printer echo "Generating certificate ${CERT_PATH}${P12}." CMD='openssl pkcs12 -export -in '${CERT_PATH}${CERT}' -inkey '${CERT_PATH}${PRIVKEY}' -out '${CERT_PATH}${P12}' -name "'${CERT_NAME}'" -CAfile '${CERT_PATH}${FULLCHAIN}' -caname "'${CA_NAME}'" -passin pass:"" -passout pass:""' if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo "$CMD" fi ERR="$(eval $CMD 2>&1)" if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR} openssl error while making ${CERT_PATH}${P12}:\n$ERR\n" exit 128 fi fi echo ## # UPLOAD certificate to printer Web interface. # # 1. cache the current CA Certificate the printer is using. # This will force trusting this CA Certification in case it is expired, # self signed, or belongs to a CA which is no longer trusted. # # 2. login and get cookie # # 3. Remove old Certificate and key # Network > Security > Certificate > Delete # # 4. Import new certificate and key (.p12) # Network > Security > Certificate Import Certificate and Private Key # > ${DOMAIN.COM}.p12 # # 5. Remove old CA Certs # Network > Security > CA Certificate > Delete # # 6. Import CA Cert and Cert Chain # Network > Security > CA Certificate # > a ${CERT_NAME}.pem for each certificate in fullchain.pem # (these are named based on the CN of the cert) # # 7. Apply new certificate # Network > Network > Protocol > HTTP Server Settings > Slect the Certificte # > ${domain.com} # note: you must have the correct serial number for the certificate # when posting by hand. # if [ ! $GEN_ONLY ];then ### 1. get CA_cert in case it is a self signed untrusted cert. echo "getting ${PRINTER}'s current certificate" TMPCRT=$(echo quit | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername ${PRINTER} -connect ${PRINTER}:443 | sed -n '/BEGIN.*-/,/END.*-/p') if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "CAUTON: could not cache ${PRINTER}'s current certificate." echo "This could be a problem if the certificate is not trusted." else echo "Writing temporary certificate" POS="no" while read -r line; do if [ -n "$(echo "$line" | egrep "\-BEGIN CERTIFICATE\-")" ];then if [ "$POS" == "no" ];then echo "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" > "${LPWD}"temp.pem echo "$line" > "${LPWD}"temp.pem POS="mid" C=1 elif [ "$POS" = "end" ];then echo "$line" >> "${LPWD}"temp.pem echo "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" >> "${LPWD}"temp.pem POS="mid" else ERROR="${ERROR} temporary certificate is incomplete" echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR}" exit 1 fi elif [ -n "$(echo $line | egrep "\-END CERTIFICATE\-")" ] ; then if [ "$POS" == "mid" ];then echo "$line" >> "${LPWD}"temp.pem POS="end" else ERROR="${ERROR} Temporary certificate is incomplete" echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR}" exit 1 fi elif [ ! -z "$line" ] ; then if [ "$POS" == "mid" ]; then echo "$line" >> "${LPWD}"temp.pem fi elif [ "$POS" = "no" ] || [ "$POS" = "end" ];then : else ERROR="${ERROR} Temporary certificate is incomplete" echo -e "\nERROR: ${ERROR}" exit 1 fi done <<< "$TMPCRT" fi ### 2. login in and get cookie #ERR="$(eval $CMD 2>&1)" R=$(curl -s -S -c "${LPWD}"cookie.txt --cacert "${LPWD}"temp.pem --data 'loginurl=/'"$LOGON_PATH"'&Nfa='$PASS -k https://$PRINTER/$LOGON_PATH |grep "logout" | wc -l) if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo $R fi if [ "$R" -ne "0" ]; then echo "*** photon Login sucessful ***" echo " cookie aquired " cat "${LPWD}"cookie.txt | grep -i authcookie else ERR=$(curl -s -S -c "${LPWD}"cookie.txt --cacert "${LPWD}"temp.pem --data 'loginurl=/'"$LOGON_PATH"'&Nfa='$PASS -k https://$PRINTER/$LOGON_PATH 2>&1) ERROR="${ERROR} !!! login failed\ncurl error: $ERR\n" echo -e "ERROR: $ERROR" exit 126 fi fi ### 3. Remove old Certificate and key R=$(curl -s -S -b ~/bin/cookie.txt --cacert ~/bin/temp.pem -L -k https://$PRINTER/$CERT_CHECK) if [ $VERBOSE ]; then echo $R fi IDXS=$(echo $R | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep "delete.html" | sed -nE 's/.*idx=([0-9]{1,3})">.*/\1/pg'| sed -e 's/\s+$//g') # IDXS=$(echo $R | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep "delete.html" | sed -nE 's/.*idx=([0-9][0-9])">.*/\1/pg'| sed -e 's/\s+$//g') if [ $VERBOSE ]; then echo $R fi NUMDEL=$(echo $IDXS | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep "[0-9]{1,3}" | wc -l) # echo "IDXS: $IDXS" # echo "NUMDEL: $NUMDEL" if [ "$NUMDEL" -eq 0 ];then echo "No Certificate currently installed" else C=6 while (( $NUMDEL > 0 )); do C=$(($C-1)) if [ $VERBOSE ]; then echo $R fi # echo "Count = $C" if (( $C <= 0 ));then echo "to many tries deleting Certs and Keys" exit 255 fi echo "found $NUMDEL deletes:" for IDX in $(echo $IDXS);do echo "delete.html?idx=$IDX" R=$(curl -k -s -zS -b ~/bin/cookie.txt --cacert ~/bin/temp.pem --request POST https://$PRINTER/$CERT_DEL -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F pageid="1063" -F N10b="" -F N11d="" -F hidden_certificate_process_control="1" -F hidden_certificate_idx=$IDX) done IDXS=$(curl -s -S -b ~/bin/cookie.txt --cacert ${LPWD}temp.pem -L -k https://$PRINTER/$CERT_CHECK | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep "delete.html" | sed -nE 's/.*idx=([0-9][0-9])">.*/\1/pg') if [ $VERBOSE ]; then echo $IDXS fi NUMDEL=$(echo $IDXS | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep "[0-9][0-9]" | wc -l) if [ $VERBOSE ]; then echo $IDXS echo "found $NUMDEL CA certs to delete from router" fi done ### echo "waiting for old certs to be removed" sleep 1 echo "Zzz..." sleep 1 fi ### 4. updating cert with private key [1070] echo "Uploading $P12 to https://$PRINTER/$CERT_UPLOAD_PATH" R=$(curl -k -s -zS -b ~/bin/cookie.txt --cacert ~/bin/temp.pem --request POST https://$PRINTER/net/security/certificate/import.html?pageid-1070 -H 'Expect:' -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F pageid="1070" -F N10b="" -F N119="" -F hidden_certificate_process_control="1" -F N12=@${P12} -F N13="" -F hidden_cert_import_password="") if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo $R ;fi if (( `echo $R | grep "cert_wait_countdown_post" | wc -l` != 0 )); then echo echo "**** waiting for ${PRINTER} to process $P12 certificate ****" sleep 1 for (( S=1; S<3; S++ ));do echo -ne "Zzz" sleep 2 for (( s=1; s<4; s++ ));do echo -ne "." sleep 1 done done elif (( `echo -e $R | egrep 'Specify.*the.*File' | wc -l` != 0 ));then echo "!!! File missing !!!" ls -al ${P12} # echo -e $R elif (( `echo -e $R | egrep 'There.*is.*not.*enough.*space' | wc -l` != 0 )) then echo "!!! Not Enough space! Delete CERTS !!!" # echo -e $R elif (( `echo -e $R | egrep -i 'PKCS.*too.*large' | wc -l` != 0 )) then echo "!!! The size of PKCS#12 file is too large !!!" ls -al ${P12} # echo -e $R elif (( `echo -e $R | egrep -i 'file.*cannot.*be.*found.*' | wc -l` != 0 )) then echo "!!! File ${P12} can not be found or is not recognizedas a valid PKCS#12 file" ls -al $PRIVKEY else ERROR="${ERROR} Certificate failed to upload\n" echo -e "ERROR: ${ERROR}" exit 128 fi ### 4.B. confirming certificate upload echo "confirming cert upload" RELOAD_IDX=$(curl -s -S -b ${LPWD}/cookie.txt --cacert ${LPWD}temp.pem -L -k https://$PRINTER/$CERT_CHECK | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep "delete.html" | sed -nE 's/.*idx=([0-9][0-9])">.*/\1/pg') echo "Cert ${P12} has IDX: [${RELOAD_IDX}]" ### 5. Remove old CA cert and certificate chain R=$(curl -s -S -b ${LPWD}/cookie.txt --cacert ~/bin/temp.pem -L -k https://$PRINTER/$CA_CERT_CHECK) if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo $R | grep -i idx | more echo fi IDXS=$(echo $R | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep "delete_ca.html" | sed -nE 's/.*idx=([0-9]{1,3})">.*/\1/pg') NUMDEL=$(echo $IDXS | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep "[0-9]{1,3}" | wc -l) echo "NUMDEL is: ${NUMDEL}" if [ "$NUMDEL" -eq 0 ];then echo "No CA certificates currently installed" else C=6 while (( $NUMDEL > 0 )); do C=$(($C-1)) # echo "C = $C" if (( $C <= 0 ));then echo "to many tries deleting CA Certs and Cert chains" exit 255 fi echo "found $NUMDEL CA cert deletes:" for IDX in $(echo $IDXS);do echo "delete_ca.html?idx=$IDX" R=$(curl -k -s -zS -b "${LPWD}"/cookie.txt --cacert "${LPWD}"temp.pem --request POST https://$PRINTER/$CA_CERT_DEL -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F pageid="1073" -F N10b="" -F N11e="" -F hidden_certificate_process_control="1" -F hidden_certificate_idx=$IDX) if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo "$R";fi IDXS=$(curl -s -S -b u~/bin/cookie.txt --cacert ~/bin/temp.pem -L -k https://$PRINTER/$CA_CERT_CHECK | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep "delete.html" | sed -nE 's/.*idx=([-5-9][0-9])">.*/\1/pg') NUMDEL=$(echo $IDXS | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep "[0-9][0-9]" | wc -l) done echo "waiting for old CA certs and cert chains to be removed" sleep 1 echo "Zzz..." sleep 2 done fi ### 6. updating CA cert [1075] for CNAME in "${CNAMES[@]}"; do echo -e "Uploading $CNAME to https://$PRINTER/$CA_CERT_UPLOAD_PATH" R=$(curl -k -s -zS -b "${LPWD}"cookie.txt --cacert "${LPWD}"temp.pem --request POST https://$PRINTER/$CA_CERT_UPLOAD_PATH -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F pageid="1075" -F N10b="" -F N11a="" -F hidden_certificate_process_control="1" -F N12=@${CERT_PATH}$CNAME) if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo "$R";fi if [ `echo -e $R | grep "cert_wait_countdown_post" | wc -l` -ne "0" ]; then echo "updating CA certificate: $CNAME" elif [ `echo -e $R | egrep 'Specify.*the.*File' | wc -l` -ne "0" ] then echo "!!! File missing or not a proper PEM !!!" ls -al ${CERT_PATH}$CNAME else if [ ! $VERBOSE ];then echo "resuts:" echo -e $R fi fi done echo "CA $CNAME cert done" echo # ### 7. updating cert chain [1075] echo -e "Uploading $CA_PEM to https://$PRINTER/$CA_CERT_UPLOAD_PATH" R=$(curl -k -s -zS -b "${LPWD}cookie.txt --cacert "${LPWD}bin/temp.pem --request POST https://$PRINTER/$CA_CERT_UPLOAD_PATH -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F pageid="1075" -F N10b="" -F N11a="" -F hidden_certificate_process_control="1" -F N12=@$CA_PEM) if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo "$R";fi if [ `echo -e $R | grep "cert_wait_countdown_post" | wc -l` -ne "0" ]; then echo "updating CA certificate" elif [ `echo -e $R | egrep 'Specify.*the.*File' | wc -l` -ne "0" ] then echo "!!! File missing !!!" ls -al $CA_PEM else if [ ! $VERBOSE ];then echo "resuts:" echo -e $R fi fi echo "CA CA_PEM cert done" echo ### 8. Apply the cert echo "Need to reload the new ${P12} CERT cert IDXS=$RELOAD_IDX" R=$(curl -k -s -zS -b "${LPWD}"cookie.txt --cacert "${LPWD}"temp.pem --request POST https://$PRINTER/$CERT_LOAD -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F pageid="1009" -F N121="" -F N124="$RELOAD_IDX" -F N122="" -F N5c="1" -F N5d="1" -F N6a="1" -F N13d="1" -F http_page_mode="0" ) if [ $VERBOSE ];then echo "$R";fi if [ `echo -e $R | egrep "Would.*you.*like.*to.*restart.*immediately" | wc -l` -ne "0" ]; then echo "To activate the new settings, the printer needs to restat" echo "restarting the printer" R=$(curl -k -s -zS -b "${LPWD}"cookie.txt --cacert "${LPWD}"temp.pem --request POST https://$PRINTER/$CERT_LOAD -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F pageid="1008" -F active_other_protocol="1" -F http_page_mode="4" ) if [ `echo -e $R | egrep "Device.*will.*reset.*in.*60.*seconds" | wc -l` -ne "0" ]; then echo "Device will restart in 60 seconds" ping -i 10 -O -c 8 -w 80 ${PRINTER} echo "done. Printer should be back up." fi else echo $R|tr ">" "\n"|sed 's/$/>/g' fi echo "Cleaning up cookie file" rm ${LPWD}cookie.txt exit 0